What is the BETA project?
The BETA team is trying to find out what is behind adolescent development and what are the exact mechanism turning a child’s brain into an adult one. Due to the novel technique we have been using, this project is not only exciting, but it will provide answers to the many open questions related to this developmental period. Our technique involves an exact measurement of biological age that we can sufficiently pit against chronological age. Biological age is measured by ultrasound scanning of the hand, which provides bone age estimations as well as an estimation of the expected height.
Please find the description of the actual measurements and experiments under the Methods section
Participating in the BÉTA project
If you would like to participate / or would like your children to participate in the BETA project or you know someone who may be interested in this research, you can apply here.
Frequently asked questions
Adolescent participants of the BETA project and their parents ask many questions before coming to us and even after the tests. Here we have gathered these questions together with the answers to help our further participants.
Relevance of the BETA project
Each parent considers it important for children to become healthy, talented adults. To ensure this, we should know exactly the determinants of adolescent development. At the same time, today’s science knows as little about adolescents behavior as most parents … The BETA project investigates for the first time the effects of faster and slower biological maturation.